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Alcoholics Anonymous - District 7, Area 29
Howard County, Maryland
Below schedule is for virtual/hybrid meetings only
For the complete meeting list go to the Meetings-Schedule Page
Note: Group names are linked to virtual meetings
​This does not imply endorsement of any platform or company
Many ZOOM* meetings will be open 15-30 minutes before & after for fellowship
Some meetings lock after starting to keep away trolls
- 6:00 a.m Dawn Patrol - Separate In-Person and (ZOOM: 947 132 2414)
7:30 a.m. Morning High (Serenity Center website)
- 10 a.m. Tuesday Ladies Club - Separate In-Person and Zoom (ZOOM: 910 6756 5136)
- Noon PLG - Separate In-Person and Zoom (ZOOM: 910 6756 5136)
3:00 p.m. The Turning Point (Serenity Center website)
7:30 p.m. Women's Meeting: Old Dogs New Tricks (ZOOM: 981 190 527/414030) ​
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